
At Kingsley Community Primary & Nursery, we are on a journey with Maths. We are exploring and creating as many exciting and interesting ways possible to allow children to develop their skills.

We are teaching the children to be fluent in their calculations; selecting the most efficient methods in order to find solutions to questions.

Once children are fluent mathmaticians, we are supporting them to develop thier reasoning skills and ability to solve problems. With reasoning, we are actively exploring links and relationships between numbers, shape, etc. With this knowledge, we are encourageing children to discuss why answers appear or why certain answers are obtained (putting a reason behind their findings).

Running alongside the fluency and reasoning aspects of our lessons, we are also supporting the children to approach problems with confidence and apply thier reasoning and fluency skills in order to decipher a question/problem and find a correct solution. 


Found below are just a number of documents that will hopefully help you to support your child on thier journey through Kingsley:

We have Curriculum overviews, so that you can see what your child will be covering in each year group and the time of year it shall be covered. 

There is also our Calculation policy, which will break down the different strategies and methods used within the classroom. The policy is broken down into Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract sections, which is widely referred to as the CPA approach. This shows the stages of helping a child to understand a calculation. The Concrete allows a child to physically see the value of a number, to physically manipulate objects in order to complete a calculation. From here, we move into a Pictorial stage, where we swap physical objects for pictures/jottings in order to support understanding. Once fully secure, children are exposed to the Abstract numbers/calculations. 

A further set of documents recenlty added are Vocabulary lists for each year group. These documents provide the language that our children will be exposed to as they move through Kingsley towards Year 6. 


There will be further updates and information as we move through the year. 

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