Oak 2023 - 2024

Miss Speed

Miss Speed


Welcome to Team Oak!  


  • Friday (outdoor), Tuesday (indoor)
  • Indoor kit: shorts, t-shirt, trainers, socks (if tights worn)
  • Outdoor kit: navy/black joggers/ leggings, navy/ black jumper – or school jumper, t-shirt, trainers, socks (if tights worn)
  • Please ensure children have their kit in school on these days and trainers in school throughout the week for the daily mile and ventures into Nature’s Nook.


  • Please bring your Kingsley Journals in each day
  • I collect Kingsley Journals in on a Monday
  • Please read at least three times a week at home and record this in your Kingsley Journal
  • I read with children at least once a fortnight and record this in the class folder
  • Reading Bingo will be stuck in Kingsley Journals once a half term - don't forget to complete these as you will get entered into a reading raffle at the end of the half term!


  • Each week, we will be writing our weekly spellings in our Kingsley journals.  We will not be testing on these spellings, but encourage you to practice them at home as they are linked to our writing in Literacy
  • Spelling lessons focus on revising and developing our understanding of spelling rules 

Times Tables

  • Please practise your times tables on a frequent basis – they really are the underpinning for many of the maths we study!
  • Times Tables Rockstars is still our main way of practising
  • timestables.co.uk is another fantastic site – particularly for practising focus times tables

Weekly Homework

  • Currently: Maths which is set on Friday, to be returned the following Friday
  • Starting: Grammar - set and due the same times as Maths
  • Regular reading - at the minimum 3 x a week
  • Times tables practice
  • Spelling revision

How you can help at home:

  • Times tables practise
  • Mental calculations – practising adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing mentally
  • Practising multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, 1000 mentally
  • Quick fire revision of fraction/ decimal/ percentage equivalences
  • Practise measurement conversions – e.g. 1 litre = 1000ml, 1kg = 1000g, 1m = 100cm, 1cm = 10mm etc
  • Telling the time – children need to be confident with this in order to access the more complex aspects of the curriculum for time for Y6. Children will be solving worded problems involving 12 and 24 hour, reading timetables, calculating time durations amongst other tricky things!
  • Reading – encourage children to read aloud clearly, confidently with expression and intonation. Remind children to follow the punctuation when reading.  Ask them questions to establish their understanding
  • Spelling rule revision
  • Vocabulary – expose your child to tricky and complex vocabulary. Encourage them to use strategies such as reading on in the sentence to try and establish their meaning











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Kingsley Community Primary & Nursery School

Middle Lane, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 6TZ

Mrs Sarah Harrison - Headteacher

Tel: 01244 259690

Email: admin@kingsleycp.cheshire.sch.uk

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