Willow 2024 - 2025
Mrs Hargreaves
Hello my Willow superstars!
I’m so excited for the weeks ahead with my amazing Willow family! ! We have our daily writing, reading, phonics and maths lessons to look forward to, where we will explore key concepts through the use of puppetry, practical activities, singing and dancing, hands-on resources, and role play… to name but a few! We will be exploring some fun and interesting topics in the afternoons too. We’re going to have such a blast!
If you would like any further details on Willow's Curriculum then please see the curriculum overview for this half-term below. You may also view the knowledge organisers below, in order to gain more detail on each new topic.
PE Kits and Wellies:
Our PE session will take place on Mondays (outdoor) and Tuesdays (indoor) but please ensure that your PE kits are always in school during term time. Please also ensure that wellies are left in school in a plastic bag, as we regularly take our learning outside to Nature’s Nook or the allotment.
We’re going to have the best year together my little superstars!
Warm wishes always,
Mrs Hargreaves