Meet our Governors

Meet our Governors


Our Governing Body is essential for the management of our school. They are legally responsible for our finances, teaching and learning, the premises and for the strategic development of the school. Our Governors have regular contact with the school and have a clear understanding of what happens.  Our Governors are like our critical friends, they are aware of our strengths and weaknesses and continue to be fully informed about the day to day life at Kingsley Community Primary and Nursery School. The Governing Body include representation from staff, parents, Cheshire West and our local community of Kingsley. Feedback is always welcome and we can be contacted through the school office.


Emma Morris


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I have been a parent at Kingsley Community Primary and Nursery School for the last 15 years, and I am delighted to be Chair of the Governing Board. In my career as a nurse, as a parent and as a governor, I am passionate about seeing children achieve their potential in all areas of life. This, along with my commitment to seeing continuous school development, will help facilitate Kingsley to go from strength to strength.


Sarah Harrison 


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Tony Mitchell


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When we moved from Buckinghamshire to Cheshire we looked at a few schools for our children Amber and Riley. There are many good schools in the area but we loved the family-friendly feeling at Kingsley Community Primary and Nursery School.  I am happy to support the school in any way that I can, as they support me and my family. I was asked to become a Governor because of my work at Go Ape. I have worked for Go Ape for 13 years and have managed sites in Kent and Buckinghamshire as well as Delamere Forest. I am responsible for the safety of all customers whilst they are at Go Ape, including whilst they are high up in the trees.  As a family we like to get out and about on land and on the water. We love exploring and being active, including paddle boarding and cycling.  I love the support that all the staff have shown Amber and Riley, as well as Cassie and I. Events such as family camp are great fun. The school is very inclusive and there is a great attitude throughout the school. Our children enjoy all the clubs they do and the trips away from school.


Karen Neal 


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I have a very long relationship with Kingsley Community Primary and Nursery school through my previous role as a Senior Leader in a high school and also through recruiting and assessing Associate Teachers. I have known the Head Teacher and other colleagues for many years and, when a vacancy for a Co-opted Governor arose and I was asked if I would be interested in joining the Governing Board, I was delighted to accept. I have been a Governor at Kingsley for 7 years.  I have over 30 years' experience working in education in a variety of schools as a teacher, senior leader and in Special Needs. I understand and can share knowledge with Governor colleagues of the ever-changing and increasingly demanding educational landscape in which we all work, so that we support the school’s Leadership Team to make sound decisions for our pupils.  I am married with 2 grown up sons and love to cook, walk with friends and travel in my spare time.  Kingsley Community Primary and Nursery is a special and vibrant place where you are always welcomed as a member of the family with a warm smile, a hot brew and a sweet treat! It is always a joy to hear and see the children’s love of learning and engagement as you pass the classrooms and it is a privilege to work with such skilled and committed teachers and support staff.


Kerri Evans


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I am currently the staff governor at Kingsley Community Primary and Nursery and offer the viewpoint of a staff member when we meet as a governing body. I am invested in the success of all pupils here and wanted to be involved in the governance of the school to further support this. Within our meetings, I offer a true and reflective opinion of the topics discussed and try to best share my experiences of working so closely with our pupils each day.  Outside of school, I enjoy being in the outdoors whether that be taking my dog for walks in new places or spending some time camping and enjoying the simplicities of good company and making memories. I also love spending time with my family especially my little niece.  To me, Kingsley Community Primary and Nursery is a community of children and adults that are supportive of each other and together ensure that all people whether they are part of our school, local or world communities feel welcome, respected and accepted.


Benjamin Savage 


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I have been involved with Kingsley Community Primary and Nursery since my daughter joined the school in reception class.  I have always found Kingsley to be that little bit more than ‘just a school’. There is a real community feel to the nursery, school and Tree House wrap around provision taken as a whole and therefore I have been keen to support in any way that I can.  My work as Chief Operating Officer helps me to bring constructive support and challenge to the leadership team in school across a range of topics and equally, my experience at school helps in my work too.  I am the link governor for Finance which involves meeting termly to look at budgets and spending to help to ensure that the best possible value for money is being gained from the funding available from the Local Authority.  Outside of work and school, we enjoy family walks with Dave the Dog recently walking the Sandstone Trail and Penn-Y-Fan in Wales.


Amy Bordas


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I toured Kingsley Community Primary and Nursery school whilst exploring schools for my daughter and from that moment onwards – it had my heart.  Kingsley Community Primary and Nursery's warm, nurturing, and inclusive ethos radiates and inspires, and you quickly become part of the family.  Shortly after my daughter joined the wonderful nursery here, I was honoured to become a Parent Governor and through actively working alongside the most dedicated staff team, supportive parents and inspiring pupils, I have an even deeper understanding and appreciation of just how special our school is.  I have a background in Education (PGCE, MA) having worked across sixth form, high school and primary school settings, alongside a degree in Management and Psychology (BSC).  It has been a joy to use these complementary skills within my role as governor to support and advocate for our school community.  I’m passionate about physical and mental well-being, and I am both a qualified Yoga Teacher and Latin and Ballroom Dance Teacher.  Alongside (the best job in the world) being a full time Mummy to our little joy-seekers Luca (2) and Sofia (4), I have my own Yoga and Dance business where I teach adult classes locally and Yoga and Mindfulness to children within school settings.  For me no matter what the context, the magic of teaching is where partnership and trust are embedded, so that a love of learning can be ignited and cultivated to enable it to flourish.  Family time is my favourite time and we're very much an outdoor family.  My husband and I love to hike and climb together, but these days you'll mostly find us exploring and memory making with our children at National Trust estates, beaches or forests and travelling as much as possible, especially visiting our family in Spain and Canada.  


Emma Nelson


I'm married with 5 children - all girls!  My youngest daughter is currently in year 5 at Kingsley Community Primary and Nursery school and I work as Head of Year 7 at a local Secondary School.  As the governor responsible for safeguarding, I draw on my experience of not only my role as Deputy Safeguarding Lead, but also my previous experience of working for the Local Authorities "front door" into Children's Social Care, all of which enables me to ensure compliance and scrutiny around statuary safeguarding duty within an educational setting.  Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, being outdoors and being walked by my dog.