Meet our Pupils

Meet Our Pupils


Our pupils are our biggest ambassadors and they play an active and valuable role in suppoting our school's values and decision making process.  At Kingsley Community Primary and Nursery, we believe our children can offer unique perspectives on what it is like to be a pupil at our school and within our wider community.  We are passionate advocators of pupil voice, and have a whole school committment to empowering our pupils to express their thoughts and ideas, within a safe environment where their voices are valued and heard.  We believe through involving our children in decision making, we can create meaningful change and better academic outcomes, as well as facilitating a sense of empowerment and inclusion.  

'Pupil voice is already there. It's not something we give. It's something we honour. And we do when we listen' - Monte Syrie

Our pupils are provided with opportunities to share their views within our supportive classroom environments, through our themed assemblies and PSHCE sessions and within our enrichment programme.  Our 'Nurture Room' also provides a purposeful and welcoming safe space for our pupils.  We also provide our children with meaningful opportunities to take on responsibilities and leadership roles within our school community, such as our Year 6 'Buddies' who support our youngest children in their early years transition, our School and Sports Councils and leadership roles such as Head Boy and Head Girl.  Our pupil voice is supported by our school values of  'Ready, Safe, Respect' entwined with the 'No Outsiders' scheme.  We vehemently believe that every child is unique and should be respected and valued regardless of their views or beliefs. 

'A person's a person, no matter how small'  Dr Seuss

At Kingsley Community Primary and Nursery we celebrate our pupils' differing interests, passions and strengths.  We have budding artists and writers, scientists and mathematicians, sportspeople and musicians to name but a few, and we endevour to create a varied curriculum and enrichment programme which nutures, develops and inspires a love of learning.