Forest School Sessions

Forest School Sessions


'Forest School is a child-centred inspirational learning process, that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions. It is a long-term program that supports play, exploration and supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting' (Forest School Association)

We are proud to be a Forest School accredited school with a Forest School level 3 qualified lead practicioner.  Our Forest School is a creative, exciting and child led learning journey that inspires, engages and develops the 'Whole Child'. We support and encourage children to grow in confidence, build self-esteem and develop a deeper sense of self-worth through 'hands- on' experiences. Our children's interests are always at the heart of our sessions and we strongly encourage children to follow their curiosity, develop problem solving skills and manage risks.  

'Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn' (Benjamin Franklin) 

Our activities take place within our onsite outdoor forest setting we affectionatly call 'Nature's Nook', perfect for allowing children to work as a team, develop communication skills, build perseverance and increase emotional well-being.   Our children will learn to respect, love and engage in the natural environment and with the wildlife around them, and support leaders in site management techniques.  Along their journey, children will learn a range of practical skills, learn to use tools safety and be able to reflect on their own experience.  

'Nature is a tool to get children to experience not just the wider world but also themselves' (Stephen Moss)

Our Forest School sessions create a safe, non-judgemental nurturing space for our pupils to explore, experiment and take risks. Forest School inspires a deep and meaningful connection to the world and an understanding of how a learner fits within it. Our approach to risk means that our children constantly expand on their abilities by solving real-world issues, building self-belief and resilience.  Our main aim is to allow children to unlock their full potential, learn new things about themselves and grow to be amazing beings!