Acorn 2024 - 2025

Mrs Stroud

Mrs Stroud

'Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from series learning.  But for children play IS serious learning.  Play is really the work of childhood.

Fred Rogers, 2014


Welcome to Kingsley Community Primary and Nursery School, we would like to introduce you to our exciting annd inspiring Early Years department.  We have two classes in our department, these being a 26 place nursery 'Seedlings Class' for children ages 3-4 years and a 30 place Reception class 'Acorn Class' for children aged 4-5 year.



'Children attend early years provision at a crucial developmental point in their lives.  The educa

tion and care that they receive affects not only future educational attainment but also their

 future health and happiness.'

Best Start in Life, 2021


When your child starts school, we know this can feel like a daunting decision to make, however when you step through our doors, you will feel the warmth of our family-oriented classrooms and the excitement of our youngest children as they explore the play-based learning.  Our environments are designed with care and attention, they have calming colours and lighting; the areas are grouped in collections of interests with everyday materials providing a home from home atmosphere.  The resources help our children to become inventors, architects, scientists, authors and many more inspirational people.




'Teaching is not about answering questions but about raising questions - opening doors for them in places that they could not imagine.'

Yawar Baig






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