Pine 2024 - 2025

Mrs Sanderson-Hutley

Mrs Sanderson-Hutley


Welcome to Pine class!

We have lots of fun and exciting things to learn and explore this year.


In Literacy this half term we will be learning about whales and how we can protect them.  Our book is called Big Blue Whale and shares facts about Blue Whales!  This links to our Music unit 'Plastic' where we will be learning a song about plastic pollution and performing it in our class assembly early February.

In Maths we will be learning out 8 times table and apply our knowledge to reasoning and problem-solving questions.  We will then be learning all about Fractions in the run up to half term.  

Our History unit is all about The Stone Age and this links to our Art sculpture unit where we will be making Stone Age jewellery.  We will be exploring Scratch in our Computing lessons.


PE and Outdoor Learning:

Our PE sessions will be on Mondays  and Wednesdays but please ensure PE kits are always in school during term time. We will also be doing some outdoor learning this year so wellies and waterproof coats also need to be in school at all times.




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Half Term, by Mrs Amery

Inset Day, by Mrs Amery

Kingsley Community Primary & Nursery School

Middle Lane, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 6TZ

Mrs Sarah Harrison - Headteacher

Tel: 01244 259690


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